Our Religion Curriculum is based on the Catholic Diocese of Jackson, Mississippi Objectives. We focus on nurturing an inclusive Christian approach to our shared Christian faith, beliefs, history, and service. At Holy Family School, our day begins and ends with prayer, and our love for Christ drives our curriculum, academics, and activities. This year we began implementing the Virtue-Based Restorative Discipline Program that has been so successfully used throughout the Diocese of St. Louis, Missouri. Students learn the importance of making good choices and modeling Christian virtues. In growing and maturing, sometimes sadly a student chooses to make negative choices which harm the classroom environment, violate our Christian school values, or treat others badly. That student must then work to repair the damage caused, and restore unity in the classroom and school community. As a school, we are dedicated to loving our students, and nurturing them to grow in strong Faith, grounded in Christ’s teachings.
Service Learning
Service learning is an important aspect of Catholic education. Our students experience the joys that come from giving and serving throughout the year. Service learning is as much the journey in spiritual awareness as it is in the actual projects completed. While donating tangible items is a key component of serving others, service learning is about leading our students to use the faith and knowledge we impart to faithfully serve others and to emphasizing the importance of giving back to the community.