Holy Family School, located in Marshall County, Mississippi, exists for the dual purpose of faith formation and quality education for Catholic children. Holy Family School welcomes children from other faith traditions as availability allows. The school emphasizes faith and service.
Holy Family honored the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during a recent presentation. Students heard the story of Dr. King and participated in prayer and songs about his life, his dreams and aspirations.
Service Learning
Service learning is an important aspect of Catholic education. Our students experience the joys that come from giving and serving throughout the year. Our fourth and fifth grade students helped at the most recent mobile food distribution at Sacred Heart Southern Missions.
Mission Statement
The mission of Holy Family School is to provide a holistic, Catholic education for children, to empower them to become confident, self-motivated, creative learners prepared to live worthy lives for the good of themselves ...
Holy Family School
Holy Family School, located in Marshall County, Mississippi, exists for the dual purpose of faith formation and quality education for Catholic children. Holy Family School welcomes children from other faith traditions as availability allows. The school emphasizes faith and service.
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